
高校卒業後、洗足学園大学ジャズコースへ入学。中村誠一氏、元岡一英氏に師事。2年次終了後、Berklee college ofmusicへ編入。2006年帰国後、秋吉敏子、中村誠一DavePike、元岡一英、Wessell'Warmdaddy' Anderson、Derrick Gardner、Rodney Whitaker、大友義雄等と共演。また2007年横浜ジャズプロムナード・ジャズコンペティションでは自己のカルテットでグランプリを受賞。2017年ファーストアルバム「Conversations in Swing」をリリース。現在都内、横浜を中心に活動中。


Yoko Fukumoto


Born in Yokohama, her first musical training began from playing Electone (electronic organ) and started playing flute at age 12 then switched to alto saxophone at age 15.

After 2 years attending Senzoku Gakuen college of Music where she studied with Seiichi Nakamura and Kazuhide Motooka, she transferred to Berklee College of music in Boston, USA. She fortunately gained a lot of great experience through studying with Ted Pease, Greg Hopkins, David Santoro and Shannon LeClaire.

Right after coming back from the United States, she won the grand prize of Yokohama Jazz Promenade Jazz Competition 2007 with her group. Also she has shared the stages with some of greats such as Toshiko Akiyoshi, Dave Pike, Wess “Warmdaddy” Anderson and Rodney Whitaker.

Yoko Fukumoto recorded and released her debut CD in 2017 and which features world famous bassist Rodney Whitaker and pianist Rick Roe.